Casa Amor has been and gone – here’s Brandon’s recap of the final days before the islanders’ return to the villa!
Monday, July 1
During Monday’s episode there was a challenge called ‘Raunchy Races’ had the 12 islanders in each villa compete in fast-paced activities. This included kissing the most attractive islander, getting into promiscuous positions and even having to share a bed with somebody they had only just met!
In this episode, we also saw Amy, Amber and Molly-Mae worrying that the boys they had left in the villa (Curtis, Michael and Tommy) were going to have their heads turned and end up cracking on with one of the new girls.
Maura and Lucie also spoke to each other about who they were likely to couple up with, obviously leaving the other boy to be dumped from the villa. Maura explained her situation with Dennon and Marvin, saying that Dennon made her laugh excessively, but Marvin could actually engage in conversation. Lucie also spoke about having lots in common with Stevie, but also wanted to get to know George more because he was very quiet.
Back in the main villa, Danny began cracking on with new girl Jourdan (after losing Arabella a few days before in the dumping). Michael began grafting with new girl Joanna, knowing that it would make Amber upset, but going with his gut instinct regardless. Anton & Belle shared a bed on the first night of the new islanders being in the villa.
Curtis was also unsure why his head seemed to be turning, as what he had with Amy was great, but he felt like there were a few things missing, and he engaged in a conversation with Jourdan who he found a new love interest in.
Tuesday, July 2
We found out that Lucie was still stuck between George or Stevie and both Curtis & Tommy spoke about Curtis’ little snogs with Jourdan during one of the earlier challenges. Amy & Lucie also had a brief chat about Curtis, and she was deciding whether he actually fancied her or whether he was just “settling for her”, as he didn’t make an effort with any of the other girls.
At the end of the episode, it was decision time for Curtis, Tommy, Michael, Jordan, Danny, Anton, Lucie, Maura, Amy, Anna, Amber and Molly-Mae. As the girls were sent to Casa Amor, the boys had to decide whether to stick with who they were coupled up with, hoping their partner did the same, or choose one of the six new girls who entered the villa. These were the results:
- Danny recoupled with Jourdan
- Maura came back from Casa Amor with Marvin
- Anton recoupled with Belle
- Lucie came back from Casa Amor with George
- Curtis remained loyal to Amy, who came back alone from Casa Amor
- Anna came back from Casa Amor with Ovie, leaving Jordan single
- Tommy remained loyal to Molly-Mae (who came back alone from Casa Amor)
Wednesday, July 3
At the beginning of this episode we find out that Amber is quite surprised that Michael chose to couple up with a new girl, and wonders why he embarrassed her in front of the whole villa. We also find out that the six islanders who were not chosen (Dennon, Dan, Stevie, Nabila, Lavena and Maria) were to immediately leave the villa.
There was a brief remark from Anna to Amber who said: “He left you for what?”, throwing shade at Joanna and stating that Amber was much better suited for Michael. Curtis also sat Amy down to discuss how his head was turned for Jourdan and that if the recoupling was to have been in the next 30 minutes, he would have picked her over Amy!
We also saw a strong friendship between Ovie, Anna and Amber due to Amber being quite upset about the situation with Michael. Anna decided to pull Michael for a quick chat and ask why he’d chosen a new girl after getting to know Amber so well.
He replied by saying that he’s being true to himself, and that he’s had to “hold his tongue” several times with Amber, so wanted to get to know another girl. Both Anna and Amber questioned him on the fact that if there were problems – why didn’t he bring them up a lot earlier, so they could have been resolved before the recoupling?
There were several other discussions around the new love triangle with both Michael & Joanna, and Amber and Joanna spoke about how to solve the situation and whether or not Michael still had feelings for Amber.

Thursday, July 4
Amber and Joanna were sent on a day out of the villa to discuss the ‘Michael situation’ and what both their understandings were of it. At first, neither of the girls spoke and it was a very awkward atmosphere, but then Joanna said they can at least try to be civil.
At first Amber was holding back her emotions, and then admitted it was difficult for her to open up her feelings towards Michael, and as she started coming out of her shell more and more, he decided to couple up.
Amy and Jourdan also had a discussion about Curtis, with Amy being concerned as to why Curtis’ head would have been turned after having two short chats with her, when Amy and him were coupled up from day one. Later that afternoon, she asked to speak privately with Curtis to address the situation and that she had a long list of things to say.
Amber spoke to the other five original girls about her situation with Michael and was trying to get some advice on what she should do. Amber then found herself in another conversation with Anna on whether she should continue getting to know Ovie, or just revert back to Jordan as they have a better connection.
Lucie was also having concerns with George, as she felt like he was too quiet and not opening up enough – she was still interested in Tommy, but didn’t want to step on Molly-Mae’s toes, as she knows they were probably the strongest couple in the villa.
At the end of the episode, we see Amy grilling Curtis, asking him questions including “Do you actually fancy me?” which he initially hesitated to answer, before coming out with standard responses. He also goes on to say that he can’t promise that it won’t happen again – it just depends who he’s got a connection with in the villa.
Friday, July 5
In the final episode of the week Curtis spoke to the rest of the boys, while Amy spoke to the girls about their situation and that it was pretty much over between them. Amy didn’t know whether she could put herself through ‘getting to know’ anyone else or if she should just call it a day and leave the villa.
Anna confronted Michael again about why he didn’t choose Amber, and he replied with a comment saying that he doesn’t speak about his emotions easily and knows Amber is upset with the situation, but he had to do what he felt was right.
Curtis and Maura were also spending some ‘alone time’ in the kitchen, when Maura said something about feathers being a lucky charm – and just at that point, a feather fell from the sky. She assured Curtis that it meant something, but didn’t know what. Maura then sneakily pulled Curtis for a quick chat about his situation with Amy, and why he doesn’t feel the same spark as he did at the beginning. He admits that she always wants reassurance, and some of the things she says, he feels could be dealt with in a different way.
Jordan and Amber both got texts and were able to pick another islander to go on a date with. Jordan chose Anna, and because of the situation with Amber and Michael, she chose Ovie (after a brief discussion with Anna). Both dates seemed to go really well, with Jordan and Anna wanting to couple back up with each other, and Ovie left with the difficult decision to take a step back from getting to know Amber, and either try and pursue something with new girl Joanna, or risk being dumped from the island.
Amber jokingly said that he was more than welcome to crack on with Joanna, and then she can have her man back, and said ‘cheers’ to figuring it out, which was quite a funny end to their date that left them both in tears of laughter.
Later on in the episode, Maura and Lucie had another quick chat about who they were currently both coupled up with (Marvin and George) and Maura came up with the idea of both of them saying that they weren’t happy with their current coupling situation and should try moving on to someone new. They called both the boys over and it was Lucie that announced that neither of them were happy with their decisions and they wanted to end it there and then.
Marvin stuck up for himself saying that he wasn’t going to take all the blame, and that he did try to get to know Maura, but felt like he was just being messed around. This was a brave move, but nevertheless didn’t make her question any of her decisions, and she decided to move onto Curtis. George didn’t seem too bothered, but it gave him the opportunity to crack on with someone else in the villa.
Sunday, July 7
In the final episode of the week, we saw Maura and Lucie yet again speaking about the decision of her moving onto Curtis, without saying anything to Amy, as they weren’t close anyways and she felt that there was no ‘girl-code’ being broken.
The islanders were shocked with a surprise DJ set from Craig David, before getting back to their love dramas. Anna pulled Ovie over for a chat and told him that she was pretty sure she had made a decision to go with Jordan as opposed to him, and wanted the two of them to still be friends even though they wouldn’t be romantically involved with one another.
Ovie insisted that Anna was “guilty” and “insecure” before storming off and shouting over to Jordan: “You can have your girl”. Jordan’s response to that insisted that she was always his girl and he was going to win her back eventually anyway.
Back to the Michael, Amber and Joanna situation – Joanna wanted them both to be 110% clear about where Michael and Amber stood in their relationship/friendship. She was speaking to the girls in the bedroom and it was Belle who suggested that she should pull them both for a chat together, and then they wouldn’t lie in-front of each other – or would they?
Joanna confronted both of them and wanted to know exactly where they both stood. Amber said that Michael had never confirmed an ending to their relationship, and admitted that she still had feelings for him. Michael was certain that he said it was over whilst speaking to Amber, and having a giggle next to the pool. The stories didn’t match and it was Michael who was left in a difficult situation and neither of the girls believed what he said and felt like he was telling different stories to both of them.
The episode ended with Maura pulling Curtis for another chat, and Amy looking over in disgust that Curtis would make a move on another girl days after ending his relationship with her – little did she know, it was Maura who initiated it!
That’s it for the Love Island Week 5 round up – I hope you’ve been finding these interesting! Until Week 6, goodbye!
By Brandon Boyd
Feature image credit: ITV