This weeks Platform Book Club review comes from Ellie Moylan, including her thoughts on Losing Brave by Bailee Madison.
Drowning in the pain of being the one left behind, Payton Brave tries her hardest to remember what happened on the worst day of her life whilst simultaneously trying to hold on to the memory of her sister.
But is she just chasing a ghost who is out of her reach?
Losing Brave (the newest novel of Stefne Miller and first novel of actress Bailee Madison) takes place just over a year after the disappearance of Dylan Brave and is a completely character-driven novel. This novel allows the reader to focus completely upon the transformation of Dylan’s twin sister Payton Brave as she investigates Dylan’s disappearance and learns that all may not be as it seems.
However, will this investigation lead her to end up the same as her sister?

The novel depicts the transformation that the protagonist Payton Brave undergoes when she has had enough of her social standing and becomes friends with Dylan’s friends and even becomes close with Dylan’s boyfriend Cole. Furthermore, she changes her name to Poe and dresses in Dylan’s clothes, and even goes as far as to act like Dylan when she punches Josh.
Despite the fact that the main focus of the novel is on the characters (Payton specifically), there are a few layers to the plot with some twists and turns that are certain to keep the reader turning the pages.
The novel constantly jumps back and forth between the present and the year before, just before the time when Dylan disappeared, which may be confusing; but it is also necessary because it helps the reader get to know Dylan as a character and to fill in the gaps of what has happened since she disappeared.
I would definitely recommend this novel to anyone who likes YA fiction, character-focused novels or mysteries.
By Ellie Moylan
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