To coincide with Mental Health awareness week last week and these unprecedented times, the editors here at Platform give you the lowdown on how we are using different forms of entertainment – whether that’s film, books, gaming or craft – to cope during lockdown.
Faith Pring – Editor in Chief

For me, lockdown coincided with the end of my undergraduate degree, which meant there was little time for anything but coursework and exams. However, I managed to balance my work with a lot of reading – Michelle Obama’s Becoming (both the Netflix film and the book!) and the entire Harry Potter series.
I’ve also started watching Queer Eye after my best friend introduced me to it, and it’s an instant pick-up and really helps brighten my mood. I’ve also re-watched Someone Great on Netflix because it’s one of my all-time favourites and highly recommended!
Jamie Morris – Deputy Editor

Image credit: IMDb
A great way to emulate the feeling of being outside with friends arrived right before lockdown began: the new Animal Crossing game for the Switch. Taking time to build my own island getaway – as well as being able to invite my girlfriend and family – has been a reliable form of escapism.
Additionally, exploring the world of classic Japanese cinema has been another nice way to keep my mind occupied, thanks to the new collection on BFI Player. It’s been fun to get invested in a gripping thriller like Akira Kurosawa’s High and Low (1963) and deciding what to watch next.
Alex Mace – Music Editor

As well as trying to keep a general sense of sanity on my person, my lockdown schedule has consisted mainly of the constant search for the “El Dorado” of music but, when this inevitably leads me nowhere besides bruised eardrums, I turn to video games.
March 20th of 2020 saw the release of two rather juxtaposing titans: Doom Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons. There’s no doubt that being cooped up like poultry is a tiresome affair and I’ve found no better way to vent the steam than to rip a few demons heads off or tend to my flower garden; I’ll let you decide which game is which.
Alex Brinton – Sports Editor

I’ve found lockdown a time for reflection and realisation. But, one thing has dawned on me. It seems that a lot of my life revolves around sport whether it be; cricket, football, boxing or whatever. In all fairness, this isn’t a massive surprise!
With no live sport I have had to look for other things to fill the void; documentaries such as The Test and The Last Dance have been great; Listening to the BBC’s Tailenders podcast has also helped. I have also enjoyed watching re-runs of classic games as well, although they only make me miss sport even more.
Emilie Mendham – Creative Corner Editor

Entertainment in lockdown has been the only positive! It took me about a week to finish Ozarks which I highly recommend. I’m now watching White Lines (both available on Netflix). What took the most time though was I’d promised my boyfriend I’d have a Star Wars marathon with him about three years ago but never thought I’d actually have to do it because when would I have all that time?
Well, I ended up having to watch it but luckily loved it! I’m quarantined with my flatmates as well so there have been a lot of drinking games still going on and a personal favourite has been Psych on the App Store!
Jessica Goddard – Travel and Lifestyle Editor

Image credit: Digital Spy
Entertainment has been a big crutch for me during this lockdown period. Like most people, I watched more television than I probably ever have before as a way of passing the time. In particular, I have really enjoyed taking the time in the evenings to sit down and watch a film or a TV series; I have several series on the go at the moment, including the classic ITV sitcom Benidorm and the more hard-hitting Amazon Prime show Mr Robot.
In terms of other entertainment, I have loved having the time to get stuck into a book, particularly when it is sunny outside.
Lollie Hancock – Fashion Editor

As well as have a litter of seven dachshund puppies to keep me very busy, I’ve been using lockdown to be a bit arty whilst trying to make some money. I made myself a “Vogue” laptop cases from photos of vintage covers, and a few of my friends said they loved them and wanted one.
Thanks to their feedback, I popped a few photos on Depop and have been selling custom cases since! It’s been really fun talking to customers and customizing their cases, changing everything from the colour schemes to the images used.
Make sure to check out my Depop, @lolliehancock, for a discount if you went there from this piece!
Meg Chadderton – Head of Design

Since lockdown has started – in order to keep my sanity in this current situation – I have been binging all what Netflix has on offer to me (obviously). However, this is becoming the norm to me and lockdown has made me realise I want to use this time to grow as a person. So, as an alternative I am currently subscribed to two new magazines: “Breathe” magazine and “The Happy Newspaper”.
They both promote a positive wellbeing and the articles in them have influenced me so much I have started to do a lot more yoga classes (over Zoom of course) and meditation sessions so I am keeping myself relaxed and stress free.
Olimpia Zagnat – News Editor

Image credit: India Today
I’ve certainly felt a difference to my lifestyle since the coronavirus lockdown. It might be an unpopular opinion, but I work more than before, given that now there are no boundaries between “what you have to do” and your social life.
When I’m not busy writing, or creating content, I would watch a film on Netflix or simply sit down to read a good book. I’ve always been into philosophy, and this pandemic has made me come back to my old good reads. From Nietzsche to Chomsky – you name it, I think reading philosophy during times like these can help us evolve and have a better perspective about what is actually happening.
Katie Green – Culture and Entertainment Editor

With the university year ending and no more work left to do, I have been trying to keep my mind occupied with something else. When it is time to chill my first thought is to always watch a TV series or a movie (thank goodness for Netflix).
However, during lockdown I started to read again and it made me remember how engrossed I used to be when reading a book. After watching the TV series, I have read Sally Rooney’s Normal People and now I am currently reading her other successful novel, Conversation with Friends.
As well as reading and watching, I can even say I have reminisced back to my childhood days by getting my 3DS out and started playing some of my old favourites including the Professor Layton series.
All of these alternatives have allowed me some sort of escapism from the current situation.
How are you all using entertainment to help you during lockdown? Let us know!