The fashion show was Nottingham Trent’s first collaborative fashion show and exhibition which showcased the final collection of second-year Fashion Design and Fashion Marketing students.
The collaboration featured over 150 students who had been working for three months prior to create the captivating show. The event aimed to inspire creativity and self-expression through fashion, as each design student was tasked with creating innovative clothing garments with creative pattern cutting.
Titled ‘Blank Canvas,’ the show looked at enlightening its visitors on the problems of today’s societal issues and how innovation can bring the world to a new change.
Nichole NG, the Event Manager for the fashion show, said that it had been an amazing experience working on the collaborative project. She said: “Getting into the creative mindset for the show has been really interesting and enjoyable. Seeing how it all gradually came together is extremely rewarding and I am excited to see how our hard work will pay off.”
The show also included a raffle which raised a total of £8204.12 for the Becky and Philippa fund, two Fashion Marketing and Branding students who passed away in 2018.
The fund was created to support Nottingham Trent Fashion students’ access to opportunities that will enhance their university experience and future careers through bursaries, study trips, community initiatives, and work placement opportunities.
By Nick Lowe