Almost 60 per cent of NTU students say their mental health has deteriorated since moving back to university

An online survey conducted by Platform Magazine has revealed that 57.69 per cent of NTU students’ mental health has deteriorated since returning on campus.

Following a year and a half of mostly online teaching and having had little to no physical contact with anything related to education other than a laptop and some textbooks bought off Amazon, it seems like students are still struggling with mental health issues, even now, when most lessons have gone back to being taught in person and the social aspect of life can finally thrive again.

However, the return to normality is actually what has caused multiple people to develop anxiety and other mental health disorders, as students have previously admitted.

However, not all students feel the same way.

Out of the 52 students who took part in the survey, 30 (57.69 per cent) of them said that they feel like their mental health has declined since coming back on campus.

Lucy Young, NTU Graphic Design stduent, said: “Since coming back to university, I feel a lot more down.

“I havenā€™t had the motivation to eat or go out. I feel unmotivated to cook and its all saddening.

“I believe due to my sessions being mostly online, I feel like not having that possibility to go out and get involved with my course is ruining my mental health.

“Being trapped in a room isnā€™t good for anyone.”

Some students’ mental health, however, has not been impacted at all by their return to university.

These views have been shared by seven (13.46 per cent) people.

Scarlett Acres, NTU Journalism student, said: “I think for me, after struggling last year at uni, coming back was extremely scary.

“I already struggle with my mental health but eventually Iā€™ve found I feel okay as I start to get on with my work and make stronger friendships.

“Thereā€™s always going to be bad days but at the moment the good outweighs the bad.”

On the other hand, almost a third (28.85 per cent) of the students who took part in the survey said that their mental health has improved since returning to university.

Hannah Clow, NTU Psychology student, said: ā€œIā€™d say my mental health has improved a lot since coming back because in-person, timetabled lectures and society events have given my days more structure.

ā€œI feel more involved in my studies and am making more connections with different people!

ā€Going on nights out too, instead of being stuck in halls, has been really good for my mindset.ā€

NTU offers a wide range of mental health support, from self-help such as SilverCloud to the Healthy NTU programme, through to 1-2-1 wellbeing support from their mental health team, student support advisors, counselling team and wellbeing advisors.

You can also reach out to a 24/7 helpline like Samaritans on 116 123 or text SHOUT to 85258, as well as call 111 if you need medical advice but it is not an emergency.

If you are an immediate risk to yourself, contact the emergency services on 999 and if you cannot do this yourself ask someone to help you.

Lead image: Kevin Simmons


One Reply to “Almost 60 per cent of NTU students say their mental health has deteriorated since moving back to university”

  1. Iā€™ve been living with MH issues for years but coming back to Uni has caused issues which have culminated with a MH Crisis and a return to unhealthy coping strategies. For
    Itā€™s a mix of the familiar and unfamiliar feel around campus and a
    Feeling of dread , not knowing whatā€™s happening

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