Nottingham Express Transit (NET) has engaged in the Halloween spirit this October by changing the names of some of Nottingham’s tram stops to fit the spooky holiday atmosphere.
NET is encouraging travelers to spot the differences for some of Nottingham’s many tram stop names and take pictures to share on social media with the hashtag #tramortreat.
Some of the name changes include the Old Market Square tram stop, now called ‘Old Market Scare’, and the Nottingham Trent University one, which is now called ‘Nottingham Prank University’.

NET Head of Marketing Alison Sweeney said: “Travelling by tram is always a scarily good experience but this Halloween, we want to treat our customers to a trick or two.
“We hope people will have some fun with us and enjoy our fiendish tricks.
“From University Boo-levard to Nottingrim Station, there are plenty of spooky spelling horrors to spot.
“We are challenging customers to find all 17 names and would love to see some pictures of the signs, especially with any witches, ghouls and vampires that are lurking around the city this Halloween.”
Lead Image: Rucsandra Moldoveanu