Following feedback from students, Nottingham Trent University (NTU) have announced new blanket adjustments to assessments to alleviate concerns.
Many students have voiced their views on upcoming examinations and the assessment process in recent weeks following the outbreak of COVID-19.
The outbreak of the virus recently caused NTU to transfer all teaching online.
However, whilst adjustments were put in place across the university regarding the teaching and learning process, no major alterations concerning assignments were immediately taken.
The overly negative feedback to this was received by the Nottingham Trent Students’ Union (NTSU), and pursued to NTU for evaluation.
The decision to introduce a ‘No Detriment Policy’ was announced on NTU’s website on April 2 by Professor Edward Peck, Vice-Chancellor of the university.
He said: “Thank you to all those NTU students who have expressed their views about our approach to assessments this summer.
We are all adjusting to the extraordinary circumstances we find ourselves in.
“Many of you have asked us to strengthen our current no detriment policy,” he continued.
“Our approach to date has focused on two methods which would ensure there will be no detriment to our students as a result of this international crisis.
However, we are now adding a third.
If you submit, and pass, your summer assignments and assessments you will not receive a classification lower than the one you would have achieved based solely on the work you completed up to the end of March.
This is in addition to the supportive measures already in place.
Taken together, we believe this to be a comprehensive and fair package which will ensure no detriment to our students taking their summer assessments in these difficult times.”
Current NTU students can expect to receive subject and module-specific details regarding assessments in the coming days as organisation of these continues.
You can read the full statement here.
By Olimpia Zagnat