Members of the NTU Handball club are running a combined 2020km in the hopes of raising £500 for the NHS.
Nearly 20 members are taking part in the challenge, which began on April 22, and is due to end no later than June 3.
The total distance of 2020 km is equivalent to running from Nottingham to Rome. Significant not only because of the year we’re in but also because Italy is one of the worst countries affected by COVID-19.
So far, a collective 267 km has been completed solely by individuals running, daily walks or bike rides do not count.

NTU Handball President, Francisco Pereira, 20, said: “Our new committee decided to start this fundraiser due to how big this pandemic has got, and how it is impacting everyone’s lives.
“We have never done a fundraiser at NTU handball, so this is our first one ever.”
Francisco has been a part of the men’s first team since beginning his studies at NTU in 2018. He has been president of the handball club since 2019, and has recently been re-elected for another year.
This challenge will also encourage the participating members to keep fit and stay healthy and will hopefully encourage others to do the same.
So far £80 has been raised for the NHS by the team’s fundraiser, which is 16% of their total goal. However only being 8 days into a 42-day challenge, this is a strong start.
To see more updates on their progress, visit the NTU Handball Facebook page.
By Laycie Beck
Feature photo credit: NTU Handball