Amid fears of increased levels of coronavirus, Nottingham Trent University have launched a new tracking system for their students.
This comes just days before a large influx of students are expected to arrive in the city ahead of the new semester.
Whilst some students believe the university should be providing testing, this new method of tracking will allow the university to see which students have been affected.
Students are being asked to complete a form on the NTU website if they believe they have symptoms of COVID-19 or have received a positive test.
Their website says: “We are working with partners in the city to make access to testing as convenient as possible for you.
“If your test results are positive, do not come to campus you must continue to self-isolate in line with the government guidance.”
The ‘NTU Tracking Form’ should be completed if the following applies to you:
You have a positive COVID-19 test
You have COVID-19 symptoms and are awaiting a test result
You are self-isolating because someone in your household has symptoms or a positive test
NHS Test and Trace have contacted you and asked you to self-isolate
You are required to self-isolate due to arriving in the UK from a non-travel corridor country
For more information, see NTU’s website.
By Faith Pring
Feature image: Olimpia Zagnat