A mobile drop-in vaccination clinic has opened today (September 27) on Nottingham Trent University’s City Campus.
The vaccination bus can be found on Shakespeare Street, outside the Arkwright building and will be available on the following dates:
Monday, September 27, 11 am – 5 pm;
Tuesday, September 28, 12.30 pm – 5 pm;
Wednesday, September 29, 12.30 pm – 5 pm.
The University said in a statement: “To help protect our NTU and local community we’re encouraging all our students to receive their COVID-19 vaccination as soon as possible.”

NTU students registered with Sunrise Medical Centre on Clifton Campus will be invited to get their jab next week.
A drop-in vaccination clinic will also be available on Brackenhurst Campus on Wednesday, October 6, from 1.30 pm to 5 pm at Bramley Car Park.
With the first term of the academic year starting today, students have expressed mixed feelings about NTU’s initiative.
Amélia Vasconcelos, Forensic Science student, said: “I think it’s a great idea to have a vaccination centre on campus, especially for international students who may have not had a chance to be vaccinated earlier in their home country during the summer break.
“Also, having a vaccination centre on campus is much more convenient and will probably encourage more people to get vaccinated since it’s right there next to their lecture halls.”
Graphic Design student Lucy Young continued: “Accessibility to vaccines is very important.
“I feel as if with a pop-up clinic on campus, students will have that accessibility.
“I think it is a good way to allow students to come forth and get it, especially because you don’t have to book for it.
“However, just by my experience, I wouldn’t get my vaccine in a pop-up clinic just because it is not a sterile environment.
“I’d much rather have it at a GP or a hospital.”
The on-campus COVID-19 lateral flow testing will also continue until Thursday, September 30.
After this time, home testing kits will remain available for collection across all campuses.

Students who cannot make it to the drop-in clinics can also visit a local community vaccination centre at the following locations:
City and Confetti Campuses:
- Boots Pharmacy in the Victoria Centre, NG1 3QS
- Karimia Mosque and Community Space, NG7 5JU
- Gamston Vaccination Centre, NG2 6PS (until 16 October)
- Richard Herrod Centre, Carlton, NG4 1RL (until 17 October)
Clifton Campus:
- Kings Meadow Vaccination Centre, Lenton, NG7 2NR
Brackenhurst Campus:
- Newark Showground, Newark, NG24 2NY
Mansfield Campus:
- Mansfield Vaccination Centre, NG19 7AP
Lead Image: Rucsandra Moldoveanu