After receiving fewer hours at work, one Nottingham Trent student decided to user her creative abilities to start her own print design business in order to help her afford expenses during her time at university.
Second-year Fashion Marketing & Branding student at NTU, Beth Shore, 21, said: “I had always thought about making prints for people and selling them on, but I was unsure how to do it.
“I watched a YouTube tutorial explaining the basics of Adobe InDesign and I went from there.”
Since Prints by Beth became official in mid-October, Beth has created a Facebook Page for her business and has already completed 25 commission pieces.
Depending on the print and the level of detail required, it can take her hours for a single print.
Beth has created all sorts of prints for people, including where she has given photos a modern twist, combined multiple photos, or added in a pet or family member that has passed.

She said: “Being able to create something so meaningful and sentimental for someone is really great.
“My favourite part about creating the prints is adding in the tiny pieces of detail that really give the images that realistic look, I find it quite therapeutic.
“I had one commission that took me up to 3 days to complete due to the amount of detail and precision it needed.”
Despite launching her business during the pandemic, Beth is still able to get her prints done and delivered to her customers wherever they may be, as she can sends prints in the post as well as delivering them personally in Nottingham.
She added: “Usually I would go into town and get the prints printed in a print shop, but due to lockdown I haven’t been able to do this, and I am now ordering my prints online through another print service.”
Second-year student, Sophie Melvin, 21, is studying Sport and Exercise at Sheffield Hallam, and she ordered a print from Beth in October.
Sophie said: “It was brilliant and it’s up in almost every room of the house.
“I think she did an amazing job! So much so that I’ve ordered four more in time for Christmas.”
As well as her prints, Beth also offers her creations in the form of other products, such as notebooks, occasion cards and mugs.
By Laycie Beck