Four Nottingham Trent University (NTU) students have raised money for student mental health charity Mind by sitting in every seat at various venues around Nottingham.
The students, Matt Lee, 18, Iwan Hughes, 18, James Gornall, 19, and Luke Williams, 19, worked together to sit on every seat at the Theatre Royal Nottingham, Royal Concert Hall and Notts’ County’s Meadow Lane football ground.
The event took place on 17 Januray 2020, which the students describe as “physically draining”.
Matt Lee, a journalism student at NTU, said the event was important to remind people of the issues surrounding mental health.
“Obviously the main aim was to try and raise awareness for Mind Mental Health, reminding people that bad mental health can affect everyone, even when you’re least expecting it.”

“The challenge was quite physically draining with the repetitive nature of sitting, standing and sitting again certainly hit home during our time at the Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall, but by the time we reached Notts County we had worked out a system and knew the most efficient way to sit on the remaining seats,” he added.
“We went into this knowing it would be difficult so to come out relatively unscathed is something we’re pleased with.”
The challenge saw the NTU students sit on a total of 23,526 seats, with each of them sitting on just over 5,800.
The event took place ahead of the University’s jailbreak competition which will start in March, where students are challenged with getting as far away from the university’s campus without spending any money, all in the name of charity.
The students are hoping to travel to East Midlands Airport or London to further their support for the mental health charity.
If you wish to donate, you can support the students here.
By Faith Pring
Image credits: Matthew Lee
Well done lads! Brilliant job!