Students petition to change NTU examination system due to COVID-19 concerns

A petition launched by NTU students for a new examination system to be implemented has gathered nearly 3000 signatures.

The petition outlines that students are concerned about how the current situation will impact their work to meet deadlines and complete their assignments.

This came as a response from students that are finding difficult to balance their work with the Government’s stringent new measures introduced on March 23.

From social distancing measures to online teaching – this ‘unprecedented situation’ caused multiple changes in students’ academic life. 

Students have expressed worries about accessing the necessary equipment, library resources, WiFi and computer facilities to complete their assignments.

The ‘mitigation system’ would alleviate these concerns, students say.

This system has already been implemented at other universities in the UK.

The implementation of a ‘mitigation system’ means the university would ensure that students’ final academic year average is the same as, or higher than the average they have attained up to Sunday, March 15.

If they achieve higher marks in assessments submitted and examinations undertaken after this date, they will be able to raise their mark for their year.

This petition was started by Liam Thompson on March 28, and raised over 3000 signatures in 17 hours.

It says: “We, the students of NTU believe that the implication of this type of mitigating system will aid in the goal of awarding fair end of academic year results for students being assessed at the University.

“These measures allow students to achieve a grade which reflects their capabilities in normal circumstances, whilst still providing an incentive to do well in summer assessments and give students who did not achieve their desired grades last semester a chance to improve.

“It also allows those who become ill or lose a loved one to have time to prioritise their well being and health at this scary time.

“Nottingham Trent University must accept this global pandemic effects all students, barring them from achieving the final year grade they rightfully deserve.”

Universities where these measures have been implemented:

University of Southampton

University of Edinburgh

University of Exeter

Other universities where students are calling out to be implemented:

Cardiff University

University of Leeds

University of Manchester

Northumbria University

Loughborough University

Newcastle University

University of York

Queen’s University Belfast

University College London

Warwick University.

You can access the petition here.

By Olimpia Zagnat

Feature image credit: Nottingham Trent University

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