After eagerly waiting a year and a half for a new series, fans of Moordale High’s top students are back, as they deal with trials…
View More Sex Education returns for third seriesTag: TV
TV Review: The Bad Batch Episode Six
The Batch Continues in its next instalment. The Bad Batch continue the journey that they started last episode, this time taking a job on Corellia…
View More TV Review: The Bad Batch Episode SixHow have gender roles changed in sex scenes in TV and film?
Whenever a sex scene has appeared on TV, it is stereotypically the man in control. However, as times change, more females appearing in sex scenes…
View More How have gender roles changed in sex scenes in TV and film?TV Review: The Bad Batch Episode Four
This week’s episode was noticeably slower and less dark than last week’s offering, however it introduced a new character, one who looks set to have…
View More TV Review: The Bad Batch Episode FourTV Review: The Bad Batch Episode Three
This episode was a major improvement over the last episode. Scenes with the main cast is still slow, however the scenes on Kamino and Onderon…
View More TV Review: The Bad Batch Episode ThreeIs ‘cancel culture’ ruining or improving entertainment?
Within the last few years, there has been some of our favourite TV shows and films that have come under scrutiny because of certain messages…
View More Is ‘cancel culture’ ruining or improving entertainment?TV Review: Shadow and Bone
Author Leigh Bardugo’s popular book series – and now the highly anticipated TV show – has finally arrived as Shadow and Bone hit our Netflix…
View More TV Review: Shadow and BoneTV Review: The Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 6
The final episode of Falcon and the Winter Solider has arrived and while it doesn’t top anything that episode four or two brought, it was…
View More TV Review: The Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 6TV Review: The Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 4
This fourth episode was one of the strongest ones of the series so far, all I can say is – wow. (Warning: major spoilers ahead).…
View More TV Review: The Falcon and Winter Soldier Episode 4Opinion: Leighton Meester’s Role as Blair Waldorf on Gossip Girl is the Best in TV history
To celebrate Leighton Meester’s 35th birthday on April 9, let us reflect on why her portrayal as Blair Waldorf in the hit 2000’s show Gossip…
View More Opinion: Leighton Meester’s Role as Blair Waldorf on Gossip Girl is the Best in TV history