Episode nine is the culmination of the series, drawing on characters set up in the previous eight episodes. This means fan favourites such as Captain…
View More TV Review: What If Episode NineTag: whatif
TV Review: What If Episode Eight
This week’s episode of What If focuses on Ultron winning the fight between the Avengers, taking over the universe and then starting his conquest of…
View More TV Review: What If Episode EightTV Review: What If? Episode Three
This week’s episode of What If is finally embracing some of the darkness it has the potential for. In a plot-line that explores what would…
View More TV Review: What If? Episode ThreeTV Review: What If? Episode Two
This week’s What If episode focuses on the central question: What if T’Challa was Starlord instead of Peter Quill? This answer to this question is much…
View More TV Review: What If? Episode TwoTV Review: What If? Episode One
Marvel’s latest TV show, What If debuted recently and it opened on a story following the First Avenger. The premise of these shows is swapping…
View More TV Review: What If? Episode One